Berlin Midnight Meows

Join Sponge Cake, a Hongkonger living with her talkative cat in the heart of Berlin. You’ll hear the adventures of a Cantonese speaker in a foreign land, navigating constant culture shocks and the challenges of growing up in a grassroots environment. No sugar-coating here – just real talk, hilarious rants, unpopular opinions and some seriously dangerous stories that might affect her social credit. But it’s not all serious business. Her hypersensitivity has led her to discover some life hacks that beat the 5-minute crafts she binged (and secretly has a love-hate relationship with). If you have problems falling asleep, this is perfect for you. You can reach me at

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First Time Out of My Bedroom

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

On April 27th, I gathered with a group of Berliners in Moabit, Berlin to gossip about everything (especially our families). We covered topics from broader social issues to the most intimate anecdotes of our lives. While many feel pressured to be cool and unique in Berlin, some of us found happiness in the ordinary. Most topics started with specific cultural backgrounds, but were mostly about how we dealt with absurdity in our upbringing as humans. 
Easter eggs: A lot of personal scandals exposed. No shame needed!

Thursday Apr 18, 2024

After going through a divorce, I genuinely wish the best for people when they get married—it's no easy journey. Some people had more ups and downs than cryptocurrency. Sorry for always bringing up financial stuff; I'm from Hong Kong and grew up with ticker symbols as my lullaby. Are there any other malevolent kids out there who secretly wished their parents would split? You're not alone. I also shared my ideal type to connect with the socially unpopular crowds.

Monday Feb 26, 2024

Hooray! Lunar New Year is finally basically over, so now I am gonna rant about this festival. Honestly, I might just be a lazy shit, so I am always slow with podcast updates. Getting lazy-shamed by comedians is a new experience for me as a cliche workaholic Asian. Have you ever given advice to your friends and regretted it, sometimes even losing friends like this? Also, do you feel like you need to lie to people because you care about their (fragile) feelings?

Too Awkward For A Gang Bang

Monday Jan 08, 2024

Monday Jan 08, 2024

There are two things I find difficult as a socially awkward introvert - small talk in a work meeting and small talk before sex. Dating apps might have closed the door for some extroverts, but it has definitely saved my ass. People tend to create a stereotypical image of the person they are dating. I was sometimes seen as the emotionless dating machine, while usually, I am just an Asian struggling with memorizing European names.

50 Shades Of Poverty

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023

My favorite topic - how “being poor” is different from “being poor”, speaking from my experience as the "middle class" kid in the working class world. Poor people also need some authentic and diverse representation beyond the fundraising campaigns. No competition here, just remembering what my mom used to say about growing her own food and sharing one piece of meat with her whole family. I can never beat her on that, just like some rich kids can never outearn their parents.

The Wettest Childhood Memory

Sunday Oct 22, 2023

Sunday Oct 22, 2023

Berlin is getting cleaner, but it's losing a bit of that famous poor and charm. Same story back in Hong Kong. I'm feeling nostalgic for the bustling wet markets where Asian moms scored all their essentials and gossiped, the best networking location for them. Ever wondered why people hold eggs up to the light? Oh, and don't get me started on those adult magazines – turns out they were my first education teachers.

The Asian Mom Theory

Sunday Oct 01, 2023

Sunday Oct 01, 2023

Visiting the gynecologist is the worst experience, so bad that it feels like my soul would escape from my body. Do you know that many comedians are actually trying to save money on therapy by doing stand-up? As part of the workaholic folks, I have some advice that I often fail to follow myself, but seriously, let's stop being stupid! Of course, I didn't forget to mention my mom - how I was born as a grassroots kid and she trained me to be even more grassroots!

It Could Happen To You

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023

My biggest joy is checking what's in the junk email every week. Besides the notifications about someone matching with me on Tinder, there's some other juicy stuff that keeps me awake all the time. It's hard to believe that English has become my primary survival tool, despite my initial promise to avoid it at all costs. You will hear the most inappropriate content so far in this episode, along with plenty of wild thoughts. Grab your headphones before hitting play.

Give Me Back My Pork Belly

Sunday Sep 10, 2023

Sunday Sep 10, 2023

Being away from Hong Kong has kinda left me out of the loop when it comes to what's expected socially. But I'll never forget the battles I faced with my body while growing up. These days, I can wear whatever I want without a second thought, but back then, even buying new clothes was a nightmare. And then there's my parents' upbringing, which just added more layers to Hong Kong's already intense beauty standards – a blend of communism and consumerism that doesn't do any favors to anyone.

Sunday Sep 03, 2023

I am sure it’s not just me, silence expectations often surprise newcomers in Germany. Is loud chewing a punishable offense? Also, let’s stop shying away from the mystery behind the suspicious content recommended to us on social media. A little sentimental after this - time to revisit an old acquaintance who still lingers in my thoughts. Of course, you are not gonna miss my golden household tips.


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